Thursday, May 5, 2016

Junk Food Not So Popular Here

I like to play a game with the Triestini. It's called "Truth or Stereotype." I fill it up with all kinds of doozies, mostly stereotypes about Italians that we see in the movies.  They like refuting the mythical idea that most of the world has about them.

Then I throw in a trick question.

Me: Food is the closest thing to an Italian's heart. Truth or stereotype?

The other person: squirms a second in their chair, physical discomfort comes over them. 

No one wants to be predictable but this one is just just too hard to deny. They look down at the floor, then squint up at me like I am the sun. 

"Yes. It's true."

Ask any Italian and they will tell you this is the case. Well, one guy I asked said he didn't care about food much but I consider him the exception that proves the rule.

This explains:
Why the major topic of conversation over meals is often, well, the meal...
Why family time on Sunday can mean up to four hours in the dining room...
Why the grocery stores stock mainly fruits and vegetables that are in season...
Why any kind of processed food and what we call "junk food" is referred to as "schifezze" which is related to the idiomatic expression

English translation: IT MAKES ME WANT TO PUKE!

Junk food puke makers. Chips anyone?

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