Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A cure for the summer mixed grilling season

Yes, it is possible to go Veggie in Trieste. Here are some tips.

Tell your hosts (or Mother-in-law) you:

1. Are allergic to meat.
2. Don't like meat.
3. are allergic to all flesh (including human and fish).

These are the only strategies I have found that work.

Unless you want to become the star of a lengthy and embarassing conversation about how Wrong you are and/or what a Hippocrite you are (please do not wear leather that day), how you Must have a protein deficiency, please Never say:

"I am a vegetarian."

If you DO decide to go in that direction be prepared to explain exactly WHAT IT IS that you eat if you do not eat Meat.

Friends, feel free to be an Ambassador for the Beast, but do NOT say I didn't warn you!

Also, bring your own pasta salad on grilling day.

No one will notice.

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