Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Plugs in Trieste

Can we talk about electricity for a minute here? It is important, yes, I understand that. You need to plug in your phone, your computer, etc. No big deal. Adapter on the end will do fine. Easy peasy.

But what is it about Americans and their HAIR DRYERS? People still use those things? Even when it's thousands of degrees outside?? The idea makes my pits sweat.

If you need a hair dryer, please do not bring your own from home. As far as I know, it is the ONE way you can truly blow out the fuses of the entire block of  where you are staying. Don't do it.

By the way, if you need a hair dryer, you probably just have the wrong haircut. I feel the same about ironing. If you need to iron clothes, then you are buying the wrong clothes!!

Here is what the plugs look like here, so you can plan, however.

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