Sunday, June 26, 2016

I do not speak G.O.T.

My family was here visiting; hence my absence. It was an interesting cultural excercise in how illiterate I have become about American culture. I am not keeping up. Even the late arrival of Netflix to my house was not enough to bridge the gap. See, I hate to admit this, but, I do not watch Game of Thrones. This meant that I missed a lot of jokes and references and generally spoke English about halfway and felt like unfrozen cavegirl trying to make it through a day. It wasn't pretty. It was kind of like showing up to a party and seeing how drunk your friends are. You are kind of envious of them, kind of embarassed for them, you realize that under normal circumstances you would be one of them.

But this time you are not. And so instead of having a BLAST, you are bored.

That is what NOT watching Game of Thrones was like for me. There were some who were caught up for the finale, which I guess is today (from the text messages I have been witnessing), others who couldn't wait to get home from Italy to have their G.O.T.-watching marathon.

So I have two questions:

1. Where do they find the time to watch so much t.v.??

I can't be certain, but from my experience over the last couple of weeks, I am guessing that having a car gives you more time to watch t.v.

2. But then how do they get their 10,000 steps in?

Because everyone had some kind of wrist accessory that told them how many steps they were doing and if they did less than 10,000 that meant they were losers. Yet, no one wanted to walk anywhere because it was hot and everything was ten minutes away.

June was a GREAT month for Triestine taxi drivers, I think.

Other than that, there are lots of other things I am behind on, too, and now I have to decide if it is worth trying to get fluent in them.

I will update you on that one.

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