Saturday, April 30, 2016

Countdown to the Bavisela!

Have you signed up for the Bavisela yet? There is still time! It is only a week away, though, which puts me in a crazy panic since I am not at all in shape. But, then again, I will just walk it if I have to. And I can always dust off the line I NEVER get tired of using, which is:

"Well, after running the Venice MARATHON in October, I am still a little TIRED, so I may just walk this half." Which is code for "I HAVE NOT DONE DOOKY SINCE OCTOBER EXCEPT FOR SIT ON MY TUCKUS AND EAT BON BONS".

And that is no excuse. The truth is that lately I sign up for races just to at least get OFF my butt once in a while (Venice was the same, if you want the truth, even if I sort of trained for it like a slug).

So if you are worried you are not in shape or too slow, or some other such nonsense. Remember, I will be there too bringing up the back and making you look like a running goddess!

You are welcome!

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