Here is why:
1. You can take your dog just about everywhere in Trieste, even into stores and restaurants. Train your little yipper to be respectful in public places and you will not believe how many people will bring her a bowl of water even without your asking for it.
2. It's a great way to make friends. We met wonderful couples with kids because they asked us to pet our Luna and we planned follow-up
3. There are opportunities to do meaningful things with your dog here. We did both Salvataggio in Acqua and Pet Therapy with Luna. All in all she did 6 years of doggy training that resulted in a super sweet and obedient dog, but also super memories of doing extraordinary things with Luna, like the times we did doggy Lifeguard demos in front of Piazza Unita, where you are normally not allowed in the water.
4. If you have a baby at Burlo in Trieste and you tell them you have a dog, they will give you your baby's first blanket to take home to the dog so that she recognizes the new member of the family the moment she comes home from the hospital. Seriously, when we brought Eva home, Luna looked up, and went back to sleep (on the new baby's blanket, which became her doggy bed for the winter months of the next several years).
5. Dogs can go swimming in the sea here in specific places and times (early morning and evening are best recommended).
6. The bike path in Trieste is so beautiful it is a shame not to share it with a dog, don't you think?
7. Vets are wonderful people and even do house calls in extreme cases. Write to me in private for my favorites.
Some things to know about having pets in Trieste.
You need to register your pet via micro-chip when that pet becomes yours and you also need to notify the Comune when your animal dies. The vet will give you a certificate of death that you bring with you. The hours are strange (9-11am weekdays and 4-6pm on Mondays and Wednesdays I think) so check the website first.
But let's not dwell on death, let's talk about LIFE, which is super mega awesome when you have beasts in your life.
Rest In Peace.
Luna Steckley Meng
August 3, 2004- August 1, 2017
So sorry for your loss. I lost a young cat recently and miss her terribly. RIP Luna.