Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Bora: A Beginner's Guide

Before you go out and get that Alabarda tattoo on your ankle and declare yourself an official Triestine convert, behold, The Bora. For She, my friends, is part of the package. If you have never met, she is the Siberian wind that slaps around even the toughest Triestini.

Fun facts:

They say the Bora blows for an odd number of days. I can verify that for as long as I have been counting it is true.

If you ask children in Trieste what scares them most, many of them will say the Bora.

Triestini say the Bora "cleans" the water of the Adriatic so it is "good." I think it just helps move the ice cream cup pollution out of sight of Piazza Unità.

The Bora makes animals act so weird they even made an adjective about it.

The Bora relishes every opportunity to be disagreeable in the absolute worst ways. Let's just say she is a grumpy ass Ho. Here are some examples of her nastiness.

The Bora will:

1. Kill your umbrella, and she does not care that it was a Totes.
2. She will knock down that row of Scooters like dominoes making sure yours is somewhere in the middle.
3. Then she will blow a big dumpster down the street and right into your car.
4. She still has time to steal your clothes off the line (because you live in Trieste and of course you don't have a dryer) and leave them down the block.
5. And just when you think you are safe, she will chill your ass right down to the bone and it doesn't matter how many and what coats you wear.

Oh, what? You're a vegan? The Bora laughs her Siberian Belly Laugh. She will have you wearing fur before the end of March... Suckas!!!

Make no mistake. The Bora sucks, and blows, at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. We also suffer from the wrath of the bora -- called 'bura' in these parts. Sometimes she's welcome because she often brings sunshine but when she rattles your window shutters all night you truly feel like you're going mad!
