Wednesday, November 29, 2017

My Jeans Smell like Fritto.

I smell like fried food. See, I went out for pizza last night (San Giacomo, Mancini. Quite good and Tuesdays you can get any pizza on the menu for 5 euros) with some old students and two of them got the craziest pizza ever.

It was:

Fried dough stuffed with provola cheese, topped with ricotta cheese, mortadella, and lemon (seriously). I had a little bite of the crust (with just fry and lemon) and it was like a trip to the moon on a marshmallow, I don't know how else to explain it.

When I got home my jeans stunk.
But I couldn't find any other pants.
That's because I am living in my new house and there is only one electrical outlet for the whole house and my flashlight didn't have enough coverage to find the clean clothes.
So smelly jeans it was.

I hate it when someone smells and it's ME.

The last time this happened was when I was feeling proud of myself for I don't know what and I decided to treat myself to lunch and I went to the kebab place not too far from work and had a falafel platter and decided to eat THERE. When I went to pick up little Sweetie, ever tactful NONNA was like "Woooo hooo! Do you ever smell!! What did you have for lunch? You smell like YOU were deep fried..."

Good Times!!

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