If you happen to be doing work on your house, you can get a lot of money back if you do the correct paperwork. This is part of a government plan to cut down on tax evasion. Basically, the government is encouraging you to work with companies and individuals that invoice their work (much to the chagrin of workers and artisans who have been working in a cash-only economy since the beginning of time). They do this by refunding you 50-65% of what you paid to do work and/or make your house more energy efficient and/or furnish your home, over a ten-.year period.
Over the last year, we redid the plumbing and heating system on our house (65% back), got new doors and windows (65% back), knocked down a wall and two doors (0% spent, hubby did it himself), put in new flooring (50% back for materials and labor), redid the kitchen (50% back) and two bathrooms (50% back on materials and labor) and furnished the rest of the house (50% back and this includes things you buy at IKEA!).
For us this comes to roughly 4000 euros back each summer for the next ten years. Just to put it into perspective, if we add this money back to our 15-year mortgage, we can pay off our house five years sooner. We would have done this work anyway but we get this added extra bonus.
If you live in Italy, do your homework before you do work on your house. The paperwork can be tricky but it is definitely worth it!
We love Trieste on the Cheap!!
Monday, January 15, 2018
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