Friday, September 1, 2017

Aria Bona in Arrivo!

Yeah, it's raining in Trieste! Time to open those windows and secure the damn things so the outside window doesn't hit the inside window and break it and crash down onto the sidewalk and it's your fault!

Wind to follow. Whooopeeee!

Found the pants. The shoes: AWOL. Hope nobody notices (but we are in Italy so everyone will but they won't judge me because they will just group me up with the Germans and reason I just don't know any better).

So that's that. Happy Friday!


  1. Hey! I just discovered your blog and I love it! My husband and I are considering a move to Trieste and I'd love to email you with a few questions. I've searched the site for a way to contact you and I can't seem to find anything. Would you mind getting in touch with me? Thanks!
