Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Who is the most important woman in Trieste?

March is Women's History Month.

Yesterday I asked one of my friends (a journalist) who the most important business woman in Trieste was, and the only person he could come up with was Anna Illy, and that is fair as she is still on the Board of Illy and was/is quite active in the community. Two other powerful women came out in the conversation, but one is German (CEO of TAL), so neither of us has actually seen her or knows anything about her. The other person is the President of the Port Authority, Monassi. That position is encouraging. It got me to thinking, though. Wow. We've got a lot of work to do around here.

1 comment:

  1. Lipanje (federalberghi), Cividin (confindustria giovani), Alletto (Vp Genertel), Rustignoli (governance-audit Banca Generali)...
