Sunday, April 10, 2011

Should I breathe new life into this blog?

I think this blog seems to have a life of its own. No thanks to me, of course...

But I feel like I can say some new things (when I can't, that's when I put my blogs on hybernate). I have a little Triestina baby now which gives me lots of fodder for writing about life in Trieste, but also a lot less time to do it.

If you have a baby in Trieste, though, you should know that you can get up to 110 euros back for money you spend at the pharmacy on your baby. There are two official pharmacies (piazza oberdan and another one in Viale xx September). All you have to do is keep your receipts and then fill out a form and turn those babies in and you will get that money back. Hey, it's not gonna feed your B.O.J. (Bundle of Joy) forever, but 100 euros is 100 euros. :) We bought formula and I think it got us through two months. Not bad!

Also there's something called Bonus bébé where you can get money just for having a baby (it's about time someone considered having a baby WORK!), and another thing where you can get discounts on your basic bills at home because you have a baby. I guess these are what they call social AMORTIZZATORI (Shocks, like on a bicycle. Soften up the road under you, or something like that).

I am not going to complain. Free money is free money and there is no stigma involved. If you DON'T take advantage of these things, people sort of feel sorry for you.

More more more soon!